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I am excited to share the ‘coming soon’ news!

There are soon going to be lots of new features on this website coming soon.

I can’t wait so I really hope as you read what will be happening that you get excited too. It’s important to me – Kim, that you come with me on my journey and get as involved as possible.

Soon, there will be…

A ‘Build Your Planner’ page that will be the way for you to build your very own custom planner.

In the mean time, please visit the blog for lots of helpful planning information.

“It’s time to make the magic!!”

Other projects


Another thing coming soon is a shop with planner products for you to buy ‘off the shelf’. It will have a lot of the more popular pages and will be all eco-friendly and hand-made by myself.


Soon you will be able to do a planner style quiz and find out exactly what planner you should be going for. You will be able to learn tips for this style and buy products for YOUR style too.

Picture of a dot grid square with different leaves on top then the title forest. Part of a page of Build Your Planner - coming soon


I am always very happy to receive feed back and to know what ideas you have for this space. Please get in touch..