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Build Your Planner is here to help!
This is a space where you can create a planner that works with YOUR life.
Build Your Planner will help with:
- Creating a eco-friendly planner for the eco-conscious person
- Finding the right style of planner to keep YOU motivated
- Building a planner that contains only the pages YOU need
- Learning how to plan in a way that designs YOUR life
- Setting goals and actually achieving them
- Managing your time and energy in a sustainable way
- Overcoming procrastination, overwhelm and other life blockers
The Problem
Do you buy a mass-produced planner at the start of the year and find that by February it is not really working for what you need? This is the position many planner people find themselves in.
The Solution
The solution is a planner that is suited to YOUR specific needs and YOUR particular style of planner. This is a planner you will want to pick up, day after day, all year long.
You can know you are being kind to the environment and kind to your intentional life goals.

Hi, I’m Kim, the person behind the brand – Build Your Planner. Read all about my personal history, growing up in Ireland, and all my professional adventures so far.
Because I’m happy you are here, I want to offer to you the chance to get FULLY organized.
What do you get?
- A personalized custom planning system just for you.
- I’ll work with you 1 on 1 to find out how your brain organizes.
- I’ll create something unique for you to keep you Organized!
Ready to get going?

Let’s connect!
Here are some ways you can connect with build your planner: