We are going to focus on what things to track in your planner by looking at some different categories of your health and well being.
Things to track – Introduction
I am sure if you have an interest in planners you have seen some beautiful habit trackers. [Here are some printable examples] But maybe you have now got your own lovely planner and are now looking for ideas for what to track.
If the trackers are there, we want to use them. But what to track in a planner can be a bit of a conundrum.
So here are lots of tracker ideas for you, you will have plenty of tracker inspiration to keep you ticking boxes for months and months.
This is a challenge for me to come up with 30 things but I am ready for it!
Let’s start!
- Sleep
- Water intake
- Fruit & Veg portions
- Exercise
- Steps
- Skin-care routine

That’s our first set! I actually think that there are many more options of physical things to track. For example, some might want to track pain or medicine, and ladies might want to track their periods. So there are lots of potential ideas here.
If you are focusing your planner around improving physical health, you might want to stay exploring this section.
But for now we will move on.
- Language learning
- Brain puzzles
- Reading
- No predictive text
- Writing with non-dominant hand
- Quiz qestions
I think because many people these days work with their brain, they are less invested in working the muscle in their free time.
But if you are and want to keep the brain matter in tip top shape, these are another 6 things that you could be tracking to optimize brain power.
I believe myself that the first one – language learning, and writing with non-dominant hand are both powerful tools for the brain.
- Coloring
- Breathing
- Creating
- Positive quotes
- Journaling
- Moods
I think many bullet journalers do mood tracking on a regular basis, there are some beautiful ideas out there. But what about setting a daily tracker up for positive quotes or affirmations that speak to our soul.
Also have you done coloring, it’s so therapeutic isn’t it!! I highly recommend these types of activities for your trackers if you want to focus on your emotional health.
- Nature time
- Meditation
- Prayer
- Spiritual reading
- Research
- Perspective practice
Here we are looking at what we can do to support our spiritual health. Across the world, we are very divided on this topic. Although you might have different views, I worked with my own when doing this list.
Ultimately, I believe we need to be connected to a force higher than ourself, that is what I refer to as perspective practice. If we are connected to what is bigger than us, then we can feel more at peace with our troubles and pressures. This is my personal view.
- Phone detox
- Kind deed
- Connect to family
- Respond to messages
- Offer help
- Time alone
Lastly, we are looking at our social health. Sometimes that might mean switching off, and having alone time. Sometimes, if might be reaching out, doing things for others, connecting with people. I
t’s important to check-in and make sure we are looking after our social needs. ‘No man is an island’ quote comes to mind. As people we need other people. Some people might want to track if they are getting enough hugs. Whatever floats your boat!

There! It’s possible. In fact, I would go as far as to say, it probably would be possible to come up with 100 tracker ideas if I set my mind to it.
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Let me know below in the comments if some of these were new, and if you might try them.
Now you have seen some examples you might like:
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