Table of Contents
Decorate Your Planner – Introduction
This article is going to be me sharing my tips and tricks that I have learned along the way so that you can decorate your planner with ease.
Maybe you have made your own planner, or maybe you have bought one that is just a little dull for you. And now you find yourself asking – How do I spruce up my planner?
These 10 ways to creatively make your planner dreamy will be just what you need. Let me know if you find them helpful.
1. Start with the cover
How do you decorate a planner cover?
If you are brave you can go right in with a marker and decorate it but I think there are easier options.
For example, if you have an A5 planner and you find the cover a bit boring – you can design your own planner cover on Canva or another program.
Once you have your design you can buy A4 – full page – sticker paper, print your design and add it over an existing cover. Bear in mind you might have to leave a small margin uncovered at the spine depending on the binding type.
You could also cut out or buy individual stickers or use the other tips in this article, but add them to the cover.
If you are making your planner cover from scratch you might want to read:
Sustainable Planning: Create Your Own Eco Friendly Planner [Discbound]
2. Planner stickers
How to use planner stickers?
Honestly, I don’t have a whole lot of experience with stickers as they are personally not my favorite way to decorate a planner. But having said that they are hugely popular with others in the planning community so they absolutely need to be talked about.
I thing a great way to use them is along with pens and markers to give them a truly unique look.
You can also create your own – check out this fun guide from love from mim.
3. Washi Tapes
Oh I do love a good washi tape.
I am still building my collection, so I only have a few plain color tapes, but they are so easy to use and give a great straight line to your page.
I have some that are really thin, it’s basically like having a thick line, but they are metallic – gold, silver and a few more. They just add so much to a page, even as a border on the outside of the page. It’s a great result.

4. Stencils
There are some who feel they cannot do art – that is quite ok.
There are people whose business it is to make stencils that we can use and create art without needing to produce it from our own skills.
I love stencils, I love using them and then coloring in the work after.
One type of stencil I especially find useful are alphabet stencils. I am not great with calligraphy and fonts so I find these quite helpful.
5. Fonts
Ok, let’s go straight to that topic of fonts. You can really decorate and stylize a planner by using creative fonts.
I have seen many people make digital versions of a quote or the month or week name, then print it out and add it into their planner as a sticker.
So even if, like me, you don’t feel like you do a great job of making elaborate titles with cool fonts, there are ways of doing it.
A great point about this one is that even if you have a dated planner, you can print out a different title and add it as a sticker over your existing title. Win – win, it is now your style and more functional for you.
6. Markers
People ask ‘How do I make my planner look pretty?’
They need to be water based so they don’t bleed through your page. But you can use your specific dream colors and make your planner extremely unique for you.
You can use them to border boxes, underline, or add to existing decoration.
You can use one color per month for a nice simple and classic look, or you can go crazy with decorating every page differently – it’s your dream planner remember.
Also some people wonder – should I write in pencil in my planner?
The answer is that you can write in marker if you want! You can choose what medium you write in that works for you. It’s your planner and you choose the mediums.

7. Stamps
Stamps are a fantastic way to add a little decoration to your planner – it’s so quick and easy.
I love an Instagrammer called ‘My Daily Bullet’ who uses stamps and then colors in the stamps. It creates such a fun effect.
Especially if you want to know how to decorate a weekly planner – stamps are just such a quick and easy option.
I highly recommend stamps for those who are short on time but are wanting a specific planner look.
Also a tip with stamps – instead of using an ink pad – you can use a brush tip maker to add the ink to the stamp. How cool is that?
8. Patterns
Do you want to customize a planner but not have to draw or add things – then use patterns. I am a pattern girl – I love a geometric pattern.
I sometimes just add some vertical and horizontal lines in different thicknesses that creates a check pattern behind my work. It really works to make my planner look pretty.
You can decorate your planner with circles, swirly lines or any kind of pattern which will add a little something to your planner.
9. Doodles
You don’t have to be an amazing artist to decorate your planner with doodles. There are plenty of ‘how to’ guides on creating simple drawings that you can easily recreate.
My personal fave when it comes to doodles is to use nature as inspiration. I actually also find it easier to draw from a real picture rather than from another doodle sometimes, but that could be just me.
10. Cut-outs
Finally, my last suggestion to decorate your planner is to use your scissors – it’s not expensive.
Many create beautiful Dutch-door cut outs in their planner.
It’s a great addition to adding a personal touch.
You can also use a small blade and cut out designs or windows into your planner pages and create some super cute customization for your planner.
So which do you use to decorate your planner?
Will you try using some more ideas from this article?
I absolutely love getting your feedback – so don’t hesitate to let me know what you think is the best way to decorate your planner.
Thanks so much for reading, I appreciate you and your time,

beginner budget friendly bujo bujo tips bullet journals Bullet journal spreads bullet journal style Bullet journal supplies choice choosing planners community Components creativity decisions decoration design digital planners diy planner doodles eco goals layout ideas making a planner markers monthly spreads motivation notebooks pens personalization Planner alternatives planner covers planner customization planner decoration planner inspiration planners planner types premade printables routines simple and easy starting out supplies switching tips using planners
- The Ultimate Guide: What to Include In a Bullet Journal for Beginners
- Bullet Journal Terms: Your Jargon-Busting Guide
- A Comprehensive Guide to Budget and Eco Friendly Bullet Journal Supplies
- These Must See Bullet Journal Pens and Markers are Perfect for Beginners
- The Search is Over: Finding the Best Bullet Journal Notebook
- Build the Perfect Bujo with these Bullet Journal Supplies for Beginners
Can a minimalist planner be just as effective and inspiring as a heavily decorated one, or does the aesthetic appeal play a crucial role in productivity and motivation?”,
Good question! The answer is absolutely. We all have different preferences, so a minimalist planner will be more motivating to some people than a decorated one. It does make a difference, for example, if a minimalist aesthetic lover comes along to see their heavily decorated planner, they will immediately feel over stimulated, overwhelmed, and will probably not feel inspired into productivity. Getting the right planner for your individual preference is super important!