Maybe you have seen the potentional and have gone out and got a bullet journal, but now what? ‘How often should I bullet journal?’ Your question is a very good one and I am here to answer it along with a lot more other questions too.
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How Often Should I Bullet Journal?
A bullet journal is designed for daily use! That’s the short answer. The longer answer is that it doesn’t matter too much because you can pick it up after a break of not using it and continue on in your normal bujo habit.
Whether you plan on using it for purely journaling or as a planner the ideal would be to make a bit of time to go to it each and every day. In fact some turn to it several times every day. But sometimes life gets in the way, and that is just fine.

Is it ok NOT to bullet journal everyday?
Again the answer is that while it is ideal to bullet journal everyday, if you miss you can pick it back up again. Many people have done just that.
If you are a bit confused by all of this, try reading:
What is a Bujo? Discover the magic with this ultimate guide.
When Should I Bullet Journal?
Is journaling better in the morning or evening?
If you are using your bullet journal for journaling – processing your thoughts and feelings then according to Lestallion it is best to journal at night because it allows you to process your feelings and ideas before bed.
Also if you are using your bullet journal as a planner some prefer to sit down in an evening and fill everything in, and plan their next day.
Personally I go to my bujo planner every morning with my cup of coffee.
I find this is the best way for me to think clearly and get all my planner set up and to know clearly what I am about to do for that day.
The thing to remember is that you need to do what is best for YOU. We all are different. My husband for example likes to write in his as things happen and as things come up.
Do I Need A New Bullet Journal Every Year?
I believe the majority of people find that a bullet journal lasts them half a year, so if the question was -‘How many months fit in a bullet journal?’ I would say usually 6 months.
However, just because other people find this, does not mean it will be the same for you.
If you are not using a bullet journal very often you might in fact get many years from a bullet journal.

How many pages do I need for bullet journaling?
Many bullet journals average 160-200 pages, this often lasts people about 6 months. The average number of pages for a yearly bullet journal would be approx 300 pages.
It depends though on what purpose you want from your bullet journal.
For some they use a full page every day, so if that’s the case think about the pages you will need by the number of days.
For many they spread a week over two pages and maybe have about 6 extra pages for the monthly pages, like calendar, etc.
Then there are yearly pages and some also like to leave a few spare at the back of the notebook, for different purposes too.
Should I keep my old bullet journals?
I think it’s a great idea to keep old bullet journals if you have the space for them.
The reason being is that when you get into a place of lacking bullet journal motivation – it can help to look back on these old bullet journals and get some inspiration again.
Look back on pages that you loved and see why you loved them.
It can also help you to look back and see what worked well for you and what didn’t work. Maybe some spreads got completely abandoned so it’s good to be reminded of that sometimes.
Tips For Staying Consistent With Bullet Journaling
- Make sure your bullet journal is for a purpose that is important to you. Do you like to keep organized and planned then get into using your bullet journal for this purpose. If you think journaling will be healthy for you then go with this purpose and process your thoughts and feelings.
- Keep inspired by the aesthetic. If you love your bullet journal you will be more likely to open it up each day, so keep your aesthetic as you like. Make it beautiful for YOU.
- Think about what you will use and keep it simple. If you get carried away and make every spread that you see you probably will find it becomes time consuming and a bit of a burden.
- If you want to build a bujo habit then think about attaching it to another habit, such as with your morning coffee or after breakfast.
In summary, try to be intentional about the purpose of you bujo and it will hopefully become a daily bujo habit to fill in and enjoy.
Do you have a different idea of how often a bullet journal should be used? By all means let me know in the comments.
Thanks so much for being here today, I really appreciate you and your time to be in my corner of the internet. I hope you have a great day!

- The Ultimate Guide: What to Include In a Bullet Journal for Beginners
- Bullet Journal Terms: Your Jargon-Busting Guide
- A Comprehensive Guide to Budget and Eco Friendly Bullet Journal Supplies
- These Must See Bullet Journal Pens and Markers are Perfect for Beginners
- The Search is Over: Finding the Best Bullet Journal Notebook
- Build the Perfect Bujo with these Bullet Journal Supplies for Beginners