The great thing about a simple minimal bujo planner is as its name suggests – it’s simple, minimal. So it’s easy to make and use. [If you don’t know what a Bujo is go here.] This article will give you a comprehensive guide to making one.
Table of Contents
Why make a minimal bujo planner?
The important thing to consider if you are going to make this style of planner is – Is this really your planner style? Does this style of planner resonate with you?
If it does, it means that you embrace simplicity. You will not get bored of the minimal, in fact, it gives you freedom. You love the ‘less is more’ approach to life.
When I have done surveys in the past, usually the bright, colorful and larger than life style of planner comes out on top.
But just because this doesn’t resonate with everyone – it doesn’t mean it’s not popular. In fact, more and more, I am seeing people on the look out for a minimal style planner.
Of course, the beauty of a bujo planner is that you can make it your own and in any style you want.
Let’s look into what’s needed.
The supplies needed

The original bullet journal method is an example of a simple bujo planner. Really we can see the supplies to start with are as simple as:
- A notebook
- A pen
Now, I would absolutely recommend a dot grid notebook, but it’s not necessary. You can use a regular notebook.
You can also choose some alternative options to make your bujo planner. These could be:
- An empty A5 ring binder
- An A5 disc binder cover and discs
- A digital device such as a tablet
You could then make your spreads into a printable and print them out or add them to a digital bujo planner. There really are a lot of options.
Even though you are going for a minimal bullet journal you might want to add a couple of extras to your supplies list. These could include:
- A few favorite colored pencils or markers [water based]
- Any stickers, stamps or washi tapes you might use
- Some fine liner pens [different sized pen nibs]
How to get started:
Step 1
Think about what you will need to make your planner work for you.
Step 2
Start with your reference pages at the start of your planner. You might want to have a key or index page.
Step 3
Make your long term planning pages – maybe your yearly planner pages
Step 4
Create your monthly, weekly and daily planner pages.
Some simple planner ideas
Here is an example of a super simple calendar:

But another option is to just write your dates down the page and have a vertical calendar. That would be a super simple and easier calendar.
Ultimately it goes back to step 1 – you have to really think about what you will best use.
For example, many people use a mood tracker. That’s great, I am in full support. But for me, I never use a mood tracker and never will. There would be no point at all in taking the time to create a spread that will never get used.
Another idea to make an easy minimal bujo planner is to buy the printables you want, print them and then they are ready to use straight away.
Printables can be used in a ring bound, disc bound or digital planner.
Here are some Printable Habit Trackers.
This would make your set up very simple and easy, it just involves printing what you need.
Keeping it simple while using it
Lastly let’s talk about maintaining your beautiful minimal bullet journal.
One thing is to keep your simple aesthetic in mind while filling out your planner.
You might want to work on having a nice consistent hand writing that is neat and pleasing to look at.
You might want to practice a nice simple font for writing your titles.
Then you might want to have just a few very simple doodles for decorating, but don’t go crazy.
In conclusion – take a strong stand for your aesthetic choice. If you are going minimal and simple then stick to that design throughout your minimal bullet journal.
Since ‘less is more’ for your style be really mindful of the layouts and spreads that you will use and how you will use them.
Do you like this style? Is this the style of your planner? Let me know below in the comments.
Thanks so much for being here – I appreciate your time and attention.

beginner budget friendly bujo bujo tips bullet journals Bullet journal spreads bullet journal style Bullet journal supplies choice choosing planners community Components creativity decisions decoration design digital planners diy planner doodles eco goals layout ideas making a planner markers monthly spreads motivation notebooks pens personalization Planner alternatives planner covers planner customization planner decoration planner inspiration planners planner types premade printables routines simple and easy starting out supplies switching tips using planners
- The Ultimate Guide: What to Include In a Bullet Journal for Beginners
- Bullet Journal Terms: Your Jargon-Busting Guide
- A Comprehensive Guide to Budget and Eco Friendly Bullet Journal Supplies
- These Must See Bullet Journal Pens and Markers are Perfect for Beginners
- The Search is Over: Finding the Best Bullet Journal Notebook
- Build the Perfect Bujo with these Bullet Journal Supplies for Beginners